National Inclusion Week is designed to celebrate everyday inclusion in all its forms. This year, the theme is #UnitedForInclusion, and Miller is excited to share that we will be celebrating the week.
This week we’ll be sharing information and resources with colleagues on a range of topics, including:
- Anti-racism
- Our Inclusion Alliances’ key achievements over the past 12 months
- The industry inclusion networks available for colleagues to join.
Understanding different cultures is key to being able to make everyone feel they are included, and one great way to develop an understanding of a different culture is learning the respective language. That’s why we’re also making free language sessions available to colleagues this week.
Each day of the week has a different focus, with today’s being: Everyone is welcome and valued.
Valuing your people means being there for them when they need support, and we’re proud of the resources we make available to our people should they ever need expert advice, or just someone to talk to:
Employee Assistance Programme
Miller’s Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is a free, confidential and independent resource to help colleagues deal with issues affecting their everyday lives. The service covers three core areas of Financial, Mental, and Physical wellbeing:
- Life support: Unlimited access to counselling for emotional problems and a pathway to structured telephone counselling or face-to-face counselling sessions
- Legal information: For any issues that cause anxiety or distress including debt management, accountancy, lawsuits, consumer disputes, property or neighbour legalities
- Bereavement support: Access to qualified and experienced counsellors who can help with grief and related stress plus a team of legal advisors to help with legal issues
- Medical information: Qualified nurses are on hand to offer advice on a range of medical or health related issues. They can’t diagnose but can offer a sympathetic ear and practical information and advice.
Mental Health First Aiders
Miller also has trained Mental Health First Aiders, who are colleagues available for staff to talk to, whether it’s about a particular topic or if they just want to chat.
We look forward to celebrating the rest of National Inclusion Week 2021, with a different focus each day.
