What is a Policyholder?
A Policyholder is someone who has a financial interest in the assets being insured.
Can I have more than one Policyholder?
Yes - it is common to have more than one Policyholder e.g. Husband and Wife or Common-Law Partners. A joint policyholder can do everything the main policyholder can, such as making a claim or amending the policy.
What if the property is owned by a Limited Company?
You can have the policy in the name of the Limited Company, and we will require the full names and dates of births of the Company Directors.
Can I note the interest of any other interested parties such as my Mortgage company?
If your property is mortgaged and the mortgage lender requires their interest to be noted within your policy schedule, then this can be arranged. You do not need to note the loan amount or account number.
What are Outbuildings?
Outbuildings are any building at your address apart from the main home. These include garages, greenhouses, sheds, swimming pools, barns and stables.
What are classed as General Contents?
The contents sum insured should include your possessions such as clothing, furniture and general household items, but should exclude any specified items including fine art, antiques and jewellery, and/or tenants improvements.
What claims do I have to declare?
The proposer or anyone to be insured under the policy will need to declare any incident or claim within the last 5 years, whether it resulted in a claims payment or not.
What is the Cover Start Date?
This is the start date for the overall policy and will become the annual anniversary date for the policy.
What is a Single Article Limit?
This is a pre-agreed amount whereby any item over this amount will need to be individually Specified on the policy. This limit can range from £20,000 up to £100,000 per item.