Miller can provide clients with access to markets that offer security risk insurance programmes paired with world-leading crisis management response. Guaranteeing access to crisis support during a security incident is a fundamental way to reduce risk.

We work with clients of every size, from a wide range of sectors, to provide high-quality, cost effective and robust insurance solutions. Policies can be purchased by companies or individuals to gain 24/7 access to a crisis response team when an insured event occurs; not only prioritising the safety of staff or family members but protecting the reputation of a company or individual brand.

What we cover

We can arrange policies that include any of the following perils: 

  • Kidnap 
  • Hijack 
  • Threat 
  • Hostage Crisis 
  • Political Evacuation 
  • Product Loss 
  • Stalking 
  • Extortion 
  • Wrongful Detention 
  • Express Kidnap 
  • Loss of Earnings 
  • Mysterious Disappearance 
  • Workplace Assault 
  • Blackmail