• 10 October 2018

Back in April this year, we looked at the wider Active Assailant offering including mitigation and crisis management before, during and after an event. There has been significant interest from clients since then in our Assault Impact Modelling (AIM).

Our AIM reports are designed to provide a remote quantified assessment for a single site and suggest practical mitigation steps which will enhance the resilience of a building should an incident occur within it.

The threat of attacks committed by active assailants, and especially those operating independently, continues to present a significant challenge to security and law enforcement agencies across the globe. Recent incidents involving active assailants, generally defined as an armed person(s) who are attempting to inflict serious harm against or kill others in public places, have seen the perpetrators use a variety of weapons including vehicles, blades, corrosive substances and firearms to attack their victims. 

How AIM works 

AIM starts with a threat assessment of the country and region concerned. This drives the potential scenarios we look to model.

Using data provided by the client, we look to model a scenario based on maximum occupancy and in a vulnerable area within the building.  This allows us to quantify the potential loss of life and serious injuries, as well as potential areas of focus for the clients’ site security team based on the vulnerabilities identified. 

Infared image of people

Overview of Assailant Impact Modelling

The report concludes with a series of recommendations and considerations covering plans and policy, training, understanding law enforcement response, internal and communications procedure, access to specialists, background screening and signage. These recommendations are either directly linked to the assessment or based on similar sites we have audited.

All this can be completed remotely and is non-intrusive, does not absorb hours of management time in its completion and is very low cost. 

Here to help

Active Assailant is an evolving risk environment with a growing demand for risk mitigation activity, everything from remote surveys to tabletop exercises, working alongside financial risk transfer solutions. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about active shooter consultancy services or discuss any aspect of active Assailant cover. We're here to help.

Contact ALan

About SCR

Part of the Miller Group, Special Contingency Risks has been helping organisations to identify, mitigate and where appropriate transfer their security risks since 1976. We work with clients to provide high quality, cost effective and robust insurance and response solutions, tailored to the exposures that affect them most. Fundamentally, our programmes are designed to prevent, mitigate and respond to incidents.

All SCR policies are underpinned by 24/7 access to our in-house security risk and crisis management practice, Alert:24. Comprised of former military, police and intelligence services personnel Alert:24 provides risk advisory and crisis support to help mitigate clients’ risks and reduce their exposures.